Ages & Stages - Baby

The new baby talk

You can improve your child’s long-term development by reading to your kids  The first few years of life are very important for a baby’s long-term development. During this time, the growing brain is constantly forming new connections that will serve […]

When should you start your child’s RESP savings?

You may have just welcomed a baby to the family, but the time to begin saving is now, experts say     If you’ve just welcomed a new baby to the family, congratulations! Enjoy every moment — the coos and […]

What is PURPLE crying?

Also called colic, understanding the PURPLE period of crying will set parents’ minds at ease Babies often cry. Indeed, some babies seem to cry a lot and nothing helps. During this phase of a baby’s life, they can cry for […]

Moi Moi: Look at me!

Stuck in traffic—or waiting at the doctor’s office—with a wailing baby? The drawings from the new book MoiMoi: Look at me! will entertain your baby and maybe, just maybe, stop tears     They’re more than just aesthetically pleasing shapes—these […]

Snow day is no day to be bored

As a new parent, you probably rely on getting out with your baby to keep your sanity. This winter has been a double-whammy – both the pandemic and the snow have been keeping us indoors more than we’d like.\With a […]

Ages & Stages - Kids

Back to (virtual) school

Planning ahead for another year in virtual school? Here are five tips for effective remote learning     Will your child be attending virtual school this September? Stay ahead of the learning curve with these simple remote learning tips. Keep […]

Learning begins at home

Spending more time around the house during the pandemic? It’s an opportunity for parents and guardians to teach their children, writes Dr. Michael Ungar                                 […]

Step outside

Spending time in a backyard green space is good for kids of all ages, and can relieve stress and anxiety due to COVID-19, writes Kris Kiser You don’t have to go far to experience nature. It actually starts right outside […]

Scratch that

A common problem that affects children in daycare and school, lice can quickly be spread to whole families, Carolina Surma writes                                        […]

Beyond please and thanks

Author of Manners and Me: An EasyPeasy Guide for Kids and the Grown-Ups Who Love Them, Nancy Dorrier gives the lowdown on minding your Ps and Qs Learning good manners is important because it helps us in our relationships and […]

Ages & Stages - Prenatal

Easy tips for healthier teeth

Pregnancy can lead to dental problems in some women. Here’s how to ensure your pearly whites get the care they need   You have everything to smile about — you’re expecting a baby! But studies show that pregnancy can lead […]

Know what’s in your water

If you’re expecting or have young children in the home, it’s especially important to ensure your drinking water is safe   Even if your drinking water looks clear, it’s never completely pure. Clean water can pick up substances as it travels through […]

Baby on board? Keep your food safe

When you’re pregnant, food safety is more important than ever because you and your unborn baby are at an increased risk of foodborne illness or food poisoning. Your immune system is weakened, making it harder to fight off infections and […]

What will you feed your baby?

What do all those names really mean? Now – before baby arrives – is the time to do your research   It may seem like a far-off event, but before you know it, your new baby will be exploring the […]

No time like the present

Here are four reasons why COVID-19 shouldn’t stop you from opening an RESP   When it comes to opening an RESP for your child, earlier is better – with some savvy parents starting to save even before their child is […]

Ages & Stages - Toddler

The lice is (not) right

This winter, keep your family safe from scalp-loving critters We all want our children to make friends, but not this kind — and the chilly season means an increased risk of kids bringing home this unwanted variety from school and […]

Five outdoor fun ideas

The summer’s not over yet! Here are some ways to enjoy the outdoors   After spending so much time cooped up indoors (thanks, COVID-19), it’s no wonder we are reluctant to let go of summer. Fortunately, there’s still time left […]

Summer project: start a garden with your littles

The experts teach our readers how to grow vegetables at home It’s arguably the most popular hobby to come out of the pandemic, and it’s perfect for you and your kids to take on together. Even very little ones will […]

Get out there

Here are five ways outdoor play supports healthy child development It’s no surprise that time outdoors is important for a healthy lifestyle for children, but did you know that it also contributes to their development? While it’s important to follow public […]


Imaginative play helps kids to grow. Here’s how   It’s important for kids to have imaginative playtime everyday, according to The Genius of Play, a non-profit initiative whose mission is to educate parents and caregivers about the benefits of play and to inspire families […]

Ages & Stages - Tweens & Teens

Teens at work

Studies show that workers under the age of 25 are four times more likely to be injured during their first month on the job than at any other time. This is where First Job Safe Job comes in   Pamela […]

Dreams into reality

Parents, help your preteens discover their talents, Dan Scott writes In her book, Teach Your Children Well, child psychologist and Madeline Levine says that discovering one’s sense of self is the primary task of elementary children. By the time a […]

Looking ahead

Being prepared is the key to helping your daughter handle her first period Your daughter’s first period can be an exciting time for her, but it can also be a little scary. Everyone’s period is different, so being properly equipped […]

Dad's Corner

After the bell

A robust school extracurricular program has much to offer children and their families   If kids are gloomy about being back in the classroom this fall, hopefully they find joy in the school’s extracurricular activities. We should urge our children […]

Dear Chris

Knowing what he knows now, our Memoirs of a New Dad columnist writes a letter to his younger self I know you hate the whole “writing letters to yourself” thing. When your teacher asked you to do the same in […]

Just around the corner

Jon Willing’s most memorable family getaway? Good ol’ Gatineau Park The quality of family adventures should never be measured by distance travelled. Some of our best summer vacations with our son have been camping about 45 kilometres from our home. […]

Staycation nation

After a childhood of holidays close to home, Chris Hunt dreamed of seeing the world, only to come full circle   I didn’t travel much as a boy. Vacations were usually stay-at-home affairs as my family was on a limited […]

Fitbit, or a bit fit?

Recently, I went to see my doctor for the first time in about four years or so.  I normally avoid doctors like the plague, if only because people with the plague are more apt to be found at a doctor’s […]